Tag: Gemstones

London Blue Topaz Jewelry in Sterling Silver: Flaunt Your Style

London blue topaz is believed to represent love, loyalty, friendship, romance & clarity of thought. Like other gemstones, this captivating gem also contains some astrological benefits, and it is believed to improve self-expression and communication as well. It is also a perfect gift for your loved ones because when you gift a London blue topaz to someone, it sends a message to them that you…

Coconut Geode: Unveiling the Hidden Uses of Nature’s Treasure

The origin and white look of this stone are described by the term “coconut geode.” The adjective “Earth-like” is derived from the Greek term “Geoides.” Geodes are considered an unusual phenomenon by many in the medical field, but they have a metaphysical connotation that promotes harmony and creativity. This stone looks great with both gold and Sterling Silver Jewelry. If you wear Coconut Geode Jewelry,…

Types of Coral Stone – A Complete Guide

Coral is a type of organic material that is found in various shades such as pink, orange, red, and white. There are different types of coral stone corresponding to a particular color, pattern, and look. Unlike other gemstones, coral is an organic gemstone, similar to pearl and amber, meaning, we need to show gratitude to living organisms for creating them, rather than thanking some arbitrary…

Types of Tiger Eye Stone – The Complete Guide

A poet once said that when you look at a tiger eye stone, your inner tiger looks back at you. If you are not familiar with the tiger eye, well, it is a type of chalcedony having a brown to amber hue and stripes of grey and black across its surface. Wearing tiger eye jewelry such as a tiger eye necklace, tiger eye ring or…

Types of Turquoise – A Turquoise Lover’s Guide

Turquoise jewelry is your best friend if you wish to explore the breathtaking allure of the sky and the sea. What is turquoise? Basically, it is a mineral of copper and aluminum-rich phosphate which is loved for its uses in the field of jewelry making. Although there are many types of turquoise stones, it is mainly of six types –normal turquoise, copper turquoise, oyster turquoise,…

Types of Quartz Stone – Everything You Need to Know

Quartz is a mineral that is widely distributed all across the world. It is found in various varieties all of which are composed primarily of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2). Impurities such as sodium, lithium, titanium, and potassium may be present in a given specimen of quartz crystal in minor amounts. The name quartz is of German origin and was coined by Georgius Agricola in…

Types of Tourmaline Gemstones and Their Healing Properties

Among all the different types of Tourmaline that you will find in the market, one pattern that repeats itself is that every tourmaline variety has a highly similar crystal structure but it widely differs in its chemical composition. What is a tourmaline? In simple words, tourmaline is nothing but a group of silicate minerals. This special gemstone is known to have the broadest color ranges…

Types of Topaz Stone and Their Healing Properties

You might have heard about the Topaz Stone – that it’s a kind of transparent mineral that is available in different colors, including a form that is colorless. But, did you know about the different types of topaz stones? Majorly, there are 5 different types of topaz stones: Blue topaz, Swiss blue topaz, London blue topaz, white topaz, and mystic topaz. Although you will find…

Types of Chalcedony – Colored Gemstones Guide

A form of microcrystalline quartz, the chalcedony family of stone encompasses a dozen different colored gemstone varieties. Some of these varieties include agate, carnelian, chrysoprase, onyx, jasper, blue chalcedony, pink chalcedony, and aqua chalcedony. In case you are thinking about whether chalcedony are real gemstones or not, well, yes, they are. They are semi-precious gemstones. In the context of birthstones, chalcedony has been found to…