Tag: Best BBA Aviation Colleges in Bangalore

Exam Notification – Best BBA Colleges in Bangalore

The Department of Business Management at KLE Nijalingappa College announces the upcoming examination schedule for all students. Please ensure that you are aware of the exam dates, timings, and guidelines to avoid any last-minute confusion. Website URL: https://bba.klesnc.edu.in/exam-notification/ Country List: India

Sports/Health Clubs – BBA Colleges in Bangalore

Health Center The college has a health Center with Medical Officer, Dr.Gowri.K who is available in the centre during college working hours. Activities of the Health Center: Emergency health needs for staff and students. Emergency First Aid service. Organising Medical Check-up camps for staff members in college campus. Counseling Cell The college has counseling cell Website URL: https://bba.klesnc.edu.in/sports-health-clubs/ Country List: India