وجرحتيني كثير وما خلتني نطير شيبتني صغير يا ليام

ماعنديش فيك الزهر ضاعت ايامي واحلامي مع سنيني باش نربح لازم نخسر هكدا فيك يا دنيا علمتني. مامليت ما عييت ما نزلو دموعي ما شكيت.

المصدر: كلمات اغنية معليش اشرف مغرابي

1 Comment

  • I was just as enthralled by your work as you were. The visual display is refined, and the written content is of a high caliber. However, you seem anxious about the possibility of delivering something that could be perceived as questionable. I believe you’ll be able to rectify this situation in a timely manner.

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